Sunday, June 24, 2007


Question: What sort of people buy REALDOLL?

REALDOLL customers include futurists, artists, art collectors, film-makers, scientists, health professionals, housewives -- you name it. There simply isn't just one type of REALDOLL customer! We provide REALDOLLs to single men, couples seeking to enhance their sex lives, people looking for exotic decorative art, adult retailers who want the ultimate display mannequin, or anyone who desires to possess the world's most realistic love doll (for whatever reason).

The keypoint to the above answer is
'anyone who desires to possess the world's most realistic love doll (for whatever reason).'

It is not what profession you pursue that is the key link here. the fact that you are looking for a love doll is surely at this stage your defining feature.

I have tracked down some interviews with the owners of these dolls

Crazy Monkey Love

What is it?


Who's getting it?